Stockport MP criticises Government decision to cut UK aid

The Government has broken its manifesto commitment to protect the most vulnerable people in the UK around the world, says the MP for Stockport.

Navendu Mishra, who is also a member of the International Development Committee, said the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s decision to cut aid impacted those in the poorest countries.

Between 2015 and 2018, contributions by Stockport taxpayers’ meant that Mr Mishra’s Stockport constituency helped 11,317 children receive a decent education, 40,008 people access clean water and better sanitation, and 37,129 be vaccinated against meningitis and pneumonia.

Last week Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced that he was cutting the budget helping those people by a third, breaking a manifesto pledge and demonstrating the callousness of this Government.

Navendu stated:

“I am extremely disappointed that this Government has decided to break its promise to the British people by turning its back on the world’s poorest in the middle of a global health crisis.

“Last week I urged the Foreign Secretary to scrap plans to make this assistance conditional and focus on reducing poverty globally.

“This decision will cost countless lives and the responsibility rests firmly at the feet of Boris Johnson. In making this decision this government has removed any credibility the UK has as a force for good in the world”.


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