Stockport MP backs call for action on climate change this Fairtrade Fortnight

Green and white graphic with image of bananas and the Faitrade logo and the words 'It's Fairtrade Fortnight' in bold capital letters.

This year’s Fairtrade Fortnight campaign, which is highlighting how the climate crisis is threatening the future of food and those who produce it, is being backed by Stockport’s MP.

In a show of support for Fairtrade, Navendu Mishra – who also sits on the International Development Committee in Parliament – tabled a parliamentary motion back praising the work of Stockport Fairtrade Group and its role in helping disadvantaged farmers around the world.

The Early Day Motion, which to date has been signed by 11 Members of Parliament, stated: 

‘That this House celebrates the current Fairtrade Fortnight and acknowledges Stockport’s position as a Fairtrade borough since 2003; recognises the contribution of Stockport Fairtrade Group and its volunteers in raising awareness of the importance of purchasing Fairtrade products and supporting disadvantaged farmers and workers in countries to help prevent exploitation and poverty and to become more resilient to climate change and improve sustainability; further recognises the work of Stockport Fairtrade Group alongside Unison Stockport branch in delivering the annual Stockport Fairtrade Christmas Fair; notes that Group’s educational efforts in Fairtrade Schools across Greater Manchester; further notes that Group’s achievement of being made the Fairtrade Foundation’s community group of the month in 2019; and pays tribute to all volunteers at Stockport Fairtrade Group who have worked so hard in the past 18 years to raise awareness of ethical products.’

Speaking about Fairtrade Fortnight, Mr Mishra has said:

I am delighted to show my support for Fairtrade Fortnight this year, and to back Fairtrade’s call for action to protect rural communities on the front line of the climate crisis worldwide. Climate change is the biggest threat facing farmers today: droughts, floods, storms and other disasters are threatening their livelihoods and their food crops, which many of us here in the UK depend on.

Buying Fairtrade products is one simple way we can all help to ensure these farmers have the funds they need to tackle the changing climate and protect their crops from weather-related disasters. That’s why it is wonderful to see so many local residents here in Stockport committing to using Fairtrade products and to supporting Fairtrade as a key solution for making trade fairer for farmers and workers in lower-income countries.


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