Government fails to explain when postponed elective surgery will recommence

With lifesaving hospital surgery postponed as a result of the Covid-19 crisis it is vital the Government is crystal clear about what it is doing to enable all scheduled treatment to continue.

For my understandably worried constituents who are waiting to hear further, a dismissive seven-word response a month from the Health Secretary after asking for an update is an insult, and once again demonstrates the level of contempt this Government has for the most vulnerable in our society.

This is simply not good enough and highlights the continued shambolic mishandling of this crisis that we have been forced to endure in Stockport since the pandemic started.

Last month it was the saga of the new Test and Trace centre for Stockport residents being opened 240 miles away in Greenwich, and now this.

We deserve much better.

Government fails to explain when postponed elective surgery will recommence


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