Stockport MP leads charge to protect historic viaduct

The transport operator responsible for Stockport’s historic viaduct has faced calls from its MP to maintain it after years of neglect.

Navendu Mishra has tabled a parliamentary motion which urges Network Rail to restore the Grade II*-listed Stockport Viaduct, which sits in the heart of his constituency, to ‘its former glory’.

The Early Day Motion (EDM) is a mechanism used by Members of Parliament to highlight issues that are important to their constituents and formally call for a debate.

The EDM, which to date has been signed by 12 MPs, states the following:

‘That this House acknowledges Stockport Viaduct’s heritage status as a Grade II*-listed structure, its amenity value and cultural significance for all those that live, work and visit the town; pays tribute to the feat of engineering of John Lowe and architecture of George Watson Buck and the contribution of all those who worked on its construction to create what continues to be one of the largest brick structures in Europe more than 180 years after it was completed; recognises its importance as part of a main artery connecting the North with the South and as a vital link in the plans to create an integrated, modern and accessible public transport system across Greater Manchester and its role in encouraging people to reduce their carbon footprint by using public transport; and calls on Network Rail to finance the extensive cleaning and maintenance that is long overdue to restore the viaduct to its former glory and ensure that it is able to be enjoyed for generations to come.’

Navendu Mishra MP said:

“Like all Stopfordians I’m incredibly proud of Stockport Viaduct and its cultural significance at the heart of our community.

“It’s an impressive landmark and continues to be a draw almost two centuries after it was first constructed.

“That’s why, in my maiden speech in Parliament last year, I paid tribute to its enduring legacy.

“Unfortunately though, it’s faced years of neglect and it’s now high time that Network Rail gave it the respect it deserves as a Grade II*-listed monument and funds the full £20m that’s required for its cleaning and restoration. That’s why I’ve tabled a parliamentary motion and will be continuing to encourage fellow MPs to support it.”


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