Stockport MP backs striking British Gas workers

Industrial action mounted by British Gas workers in Stockport was backed by the local MP today.

Navendu Mishra visited staff on the picket line outside the depot in New Bridge Lane in what is reportedly one of the largest walkouts in history.

Speaking afterwards Navendu Mishra said: 

“I stand in solidarity with all British Gas workers and GMB union members taking industrial action against British Gas’ immoral ‘fire and rehire’ strategy, which has put the livelihoods of 20,000 workers across the UK at risk.

“British Gas staff have worked hard for years to build the reputation of the company and this is a shameful way to be treated.

“I call on parent company Centrica to end its Victorian practices once and for all, withdraw its Section 188 notices and get back round the negotiating table to agree a better deal for all workers.”

Stockport MP backs striking British Gas workers.


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