End Fire and Rehire!

Navendu Mishra and Barry Gardiner standing next to a sign reading 'Stop Fire & Rehire! I back Barry Gardiner's bill to stop fire and rehire', followed by signatures.

Navendu Mishra MP and Barry Gardiner.

Thousands of British workers are threatened with being fired and rehired on worse pay and conditions to do the same job. It’s not dodgy backstreet companies doing this, it’s the biggest names on our high street. Even Tesco, Sainsbury’s and British Gas are at it.

We must stop Fire and Rehire coming to Stockport. Workers are being bullied, sacked and told they will only be re-employed to do the same basic job if they accept less money and poorer conditions.

It’s an issue that affects every constituency, every industry. It’s a social evil that is afflicting hundreds of thousands of families across Britain. As if the pandemic was not bad enough, companies are now threatening people with the sack so they can pay them less or take their pensions.

Labour MP Barry Gardiner has introduced a Private Member’s Bill to outlaw the practice and I am wholeheartedly supporting this Bill. So far over 100 MPs from all parties have backed the Bill along with 20 trade unions, the Institute of Employment Rights and the TUC.


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